Bring to Exam
1. One of the following Photo Identification:
(Current or issued within the last 5 years)
A driver’s license or State DMV I.D. card
A Canadian or Mexican Driver’s license
U.S. Passport or Passport issued by a foreign government
A U.S. Military I.D. Card
No other forms of photo identification are allowed.
2. A Completed Notary Public Application
3. Proof of Completion
4. Check or Money Order payable to the Secretary of State in the amount of $40 ( this is for application fee and processing)
5. Passport photo – All Applications for appointment must include a 2″ x 2″ color passport-type photograph of yourself attached to the application.
6. No. 2 lead pencil
7. Pre-Registration is recommended. Walk-ins are welcome if seating permits. (Registration is provided with your Notary Course)
Prior to entry to the state exam the state proctors will register each applicant and collect items listed above.
The Exam

The California Notary State Exam
-45 Questions
-Multiple Choice
-60 Minutes to complete
-Must pass with 70%
- Not Open Book
Once the notary exam has been completed, results are issued by email within 15- business days from the date of the exam. You can also review results on-line only after the 15 processing period. Telephone inquiries are not accepted.